Custom Tailored
Security Solutions

We've got a solution for all your security needs.

Our Security Services
Deliver Peace of Mind

From Concierge Services to Security Guards, Mobile Patrols Spot Checks, and Fire Watches, we offer a wide range of security services. Our unwavering commitment to customers' success results in relationships based on quality and value—backed by the knowledge and expertise we have gathered from many years in business. At OSG, our ideology is simple: when you need a security solution, we have an answer.

Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU)

Protecting your tenants, guests and property to ensure they feel safe and secure upon entering and exiting their MDU.

Office & Commercial Space

Make your workers feel at home with physical security and protect your property, sensitive data, and assets.

Retail Stores & Shopping Centres

Let individuals shop with ease by keeping theft, trespassing, and vandalism at bay.

Financial Institutions
& Banking

Combat criminal activities and offer the best service to your customers by securing their possessions and funds.

Construction & Development Sites

Keep your workers or anyone who steps foot on your construction site safe and prevent property theft of your equipment.

Banquets & Special Events

Prevent intruders from stepping a foot inside the venue and safeguard your special guests.

Our Services

Whether you run a Property Management Company, Retail Business, or Condo Corporation in Ontario or Greater Toronto Area, we've got a solution for all your security needs.

Safeguard your business, equipment, and workers

With all that goes into running a business on a day-to-day basis, safety and security are often pushed to the bottom of the priority list. Your property may become subject to vulnerabilities if you do not address security concerns. To safeguard your business, equipment, and workers, partner with a security services provider.

We Maintain a Steady Line of Contact

Our mobile supervisor team is regularly on the lookout for any problems with our guards. Our security guards can communicate with our dispatch centre using two-way radios. The property managers, building operators, and superintendents on the premises are in constant communication with our guards. We maintain a steady line of contact with our customers by email, text, or phone call.

We’re Privately Owned, Locally Based

Providing one-on-one attention is a benefit of being privately owned and locally based. We'll sit with you to learn about your requirements, examine your risks, and offer the most appropriate response, including a program that fulfills your security, public relations, and financial goals.

We Offer Customized Solutions

Instead of relying on a strict, standard pricing sheet, we assess each prospective customer's unique requirements before presenting a formal security proposal for their consideration. Once we understand your specific requirements, we will develop a complete proposal, which will include a projected hourly/weekly/monthly billing rates for our services.

We Hire Only the BEST!

Our pre-employment screening involves a rigorous interview process, licensed under the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services. We also provide an exceptional onsite training program for our security personnel, covering standard procedures and provincial legislation to help them perform well in all fields.

What Our Clients Say

The Lastest From Our Team

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